Wednesday 28 April 2010

Planning and Introduction

As a group (Seb Winter, Liam Barnett and myself) we chose from the specification to produce; a trailer for a horror film, a magazine front cover and movie poster. After deciding this and clarifying the genre of our project, as part of our research we researched the common forms and conventions of a professional horror trailer, poster and magazine front cover. From this we found that there are certain elements in the trailer that immediately show the audience that it is off this genre. This was similar for the movie poster and magazine front cover. An example of this is the colour scheme that we have used as a constant throughout our project and the font used in the writing of our titles. We also planned our ideal locations for the filming of the trailer and set about finding suitible actors to play the main roles, along with planning our time management, negotiating when we could have what equipment and the availibilty of actors and producers.

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